Who’s behind PASACANA…?
Well, that’s me:
My name is Anke Barbara Calzada of abc creative. I was born in Munich, but I consider myself a true global citizen. My studies took me to Japan, my job to the United States, and the love of my life to South America.
For more than 25 years I have been active in various textile arts & crafts, focusing mainly on Patchwork & Quilting. What started as a hobby became more and more my profession over the past ten+ years.

As a freelance editor for a textile art magazine, I have portrayed a number of renowned textile artists from all over the world over the past years, and for an international online portal, I have co-organized various multicultural community quilting projects, competitions and quilt exhibitions in Germany and abroad for more than ten years now. I am also the co-author of two „Patchwork Puzzle“ books, have edited and laid out a good dozen more patchwork books and exhibition catalogs, and helped develop a series of online design courses for quilters and textile creators.
For more than two decades, I have been a passionate quilt designer creating exclusively my own patterns and layouts for modern utility quilts and other timeless and elegant accessories for a cozy home. Many of my works have been shown at various quilt festivals, e.g. at NADELWELT in Karlsruhe, the Festival of Quilt in Birmingham, England, and the Festival Internacional de Patchwork in Sitges, Barcelona. At the beginning of 2022, one of my quilts became part of the permanent collection ot the International Quilt Museum – Lincoln, NE, USA.
I also write detailed step-by-step instructions for selected models in cooperation with international magazines for patchwork & quilting and now also market these – as well as my one-of-a-kind quilts and home accessories – under my own label PASACANA, founded in early 2021.
Follow me on Instagram: @pasacana_designs
My textile PASACANA originals as well as my DIY quilt patterns are available in my PASACANA Shop.
Memberships: Patchworkgilde Deutschland, Modern Quilt Guild

By the way…
Trichocereus Pasacana is the botanical name for a large tree-like cactus from the Andean region of Argentina and Chile. It grows very slowly, but can live up to 300 years. It is very frugal, thrives on stony ground and can cope with limited water, extreme heat and freezing cold. Small owls like to build nests in cacti, well protected from enemies by the long spines. Every now and then, for a few days, the PASACANA cacti sprout a few flowers – beautiful white shining stars.